It's often said that German and Japanese people are quite similar, but today we won't be talking about their similarities as people, but rather about what life is like in Germany.

#Area 357,376km2
(Japan is 377,962 km², so Japanese is, surprisingly, slightly smaller. Except Germany has more flat land, making it feel more vast.)

#Population 82,500,000(8,850,000 of which are foreigners)

#Language German

#Religion Catholic(29.9%),Protestant(28.9%),Islam(2.6%),Judaism(0.1%)

#Currency Euro

#Travel from Japan 12 Hour direct flight from Tokyo to either Frankfurt or Munich

#Time Difference Summer Time(End of March to End of October)is 7 hours
Winter Time(End of October to End of March)is 8 hours

#Commodities ☆More expensive than Japan ☆Rent is Expensive

<As of 12/2018, 1 euro is about 126 JPY>

Kebab 4.50 euro~ 
Restaurant Main Dish 13 euro~
Lunch Menu 10 euro~
Beer(0.5L)4.50 eur

It is difficult to find housing that is in a good location that also has favorable features. Particularly in Munich where there are many people wising to live there, it isn't easy to sign a lease. Many people live via roomsharing. For a one-room place (20㎡~) the rent is 500 euros per month with other expenses (it varies whether things like electricity and heat are included in the rent or not)

Gas/Electricity:80 euro per month(depending on location)
Water:10 euro per month(depending on location)
(There usually isn't air conditioning, and you will need heat in the winter.)

ex)Using the company 1&1 as an example, 22 euro per month

There are both pay-as-you-go and contract options. It varies depending on the company, but may be around 30-80 euro per month

Initial taxi fee 3.70 euro(Munich)
City Transit Pass(depends on time of day and area of travel, but about 55~80ユーロ(Munch)

《German Language School》
Volkshochschule is a school that offers German language lessons at an affordable price.
255 euro per course (2 times a week for 3 months, or 5 times a week for one month)

《Japanese Ingredients》
You can find vendors with basic Japanese ingredients in the big city, but it will be a bit expensive.
ex〕Dashi-flavored miso 750g runs for 12.65 euro (5/2018 price)
Kikkoman soy sauce 1000ml 7.15 euro (5/2018 price)
(varies by store)